AI, Tech

What types of new jobs do you think the rise of AI will create?

In a recent discussion about the rise of AI and the new job opportunities it presents, Kevin Kelly, CXO at Live Smart AI, highlighted the potential for roles such as “Prompt Crafting” or “Query Master.” These positions would focus on crafting the right questions or prompts to input into AI technologies, like ChatGPT and BARD. Kelly mentioned an instance where a company replaced a salaried employee with ChatGPT for blog post writing, but emphasized the importance of asking the right questions for optimal results.

Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at, concurred with the emergence of roles like “Prompt Master” and “AI Editor.” Nadeina explained that to obtain valuable answers from AI tools like ChatGPT, users must input well-crafted questions. She criticized vague prompts, suggesting they should include more examples, limitations, and requirements for better outcomes.

Additionally, Nadeina stressed the significance of editing AI-generated content. Since AI-produced articles are “human-like” but not actually human, an AI Editor would need to step in to make the content more relatable, readable, and refined. This highlights the importance of human involvement in managing and refining AI-generated output, ensuring its quality and relevance.

In conclusion, as AI continues to advance, new job opportunities like Prompt Crafting, Query Master, and AI Editor will emerge. These roles will involve working with AI technologies to optimize their potential while maintaining the human touch that is essential for quality content. The rise of AI is not only changing the way we work but also opening up new avenues for professionals to adapt and thrive in the evolving job market.